REAP found 2 EarlystART (formerly United Inner City Services) positions.
# Position Employer/Location Date Save Job
 1  Teacher Aide
EarlystART (formerly United Inner City Services)
Kansas City, MO 64127
Jan 26 24 addAdd
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Have you ever wondered, how you could make a lasting impression in the lives of a child?Do you have a strong desire or passion to empower young children?Do you enjoy the smiles of young children? Do you get excited from ... more»
 2  Classroom Teacher / Early Childhood
Certificate: Substitute Certificate (Certificate to Substitute Teach)
EarlystART (formerly United Inner City Services)
Kansas City, MO 64127
Jan 26 24 addAdd
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Have you ever wondered, how you could make a lasting impression in the lives of a child?Do you have a strong desire or passion to empower young children?Do you enjoy the smiles of young children? Do you get excited from ... more»